The Description of Inmates’ Coping Skills of Class IIA Women's Prison in Semarang
Coping skills, inmates, women's prisonSynopsis
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the coping skills of inmates in managing their lives.
Method: The research utilized a descriptive quantitative approach, with a population of 378 individuals, including 48 adult prisoners and 330 adult inmates. The sample was selected using the Krejcie table, resulting in a total sample size of 182 individuals.
Result: The analysis of coping skills among the inmates, based on five predetermined indicators, yielded an average score of 76.7%. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the coping skills of inmates at Class II A Women's Prison in Semarang fall within the "good" category.
Implications: The results of this study are expected to contribute to the enhancement of correctional services at Class IIA Women's Prison in Semarang.
Originality: This research focuses on analyzing the coping skills of inmates in managing their lives specifically within the context of Class IIA Women's Prison in Semarang.
Keywords: Coping skills, inmates, women's prison.
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